46. When stricken with a mishap or overtaken by
an affair
‘The strong believer is better and more beloved to
Alla>h, than the weak believer and there is goodness
in both. Strive for that which will benefit you, seek
help from Alla>h and do not despair
. If a mishap
should happen to befall you then do not say ‘ If only
I had acted...such and such would have happened’.
Rather, say:
‘Alla>h has decreed and what He wills, He does.’
...for verily ‘If ‘ lets in the work of the devil.’
from the house in which su>rah Al-Baqarah has been read.’ Related by
Muslim 1/539, also supplications and remembrance for the morning and
evening, before sleeping, when getting up, entering and leaving the house,
entering and leaving the mosque, the recitation of A<yah Al-Kursi> and the
last two verses of Su>rah Al-Baqarah before sleeping, one who says, ‘None
has the right to be worshipped but Alla>h, alone, without any partner, to
Him belong all dominion and praise and He is over all things omnipotent’
will be protected from the devil for the whole of his day, the adha>n...etc.
88 i.e. strive to be obedient to Alla>h and to yearn for that which is with Him,
seek assistance from Alla>h in this striving, do not despair or become lazy
in seeking His obedience and assistance.