‘None has the right to be worshipped except Alla>h,
alone without any partner. Alla>h is most great and
much praise is for Alla>h. How perfect Alla>h is, Lord
of the worlds. There is no might nor power except
with Alla>h, The Exalted in might, The Wise.’
...the man then said: ‘These are for my Lord, and
what is for me?’ He
replied: ‘Say:
‘O Alla>h, forgive me, have mercy upon me, guide
me and grant me sustenance.’
T{ariq al-Ashja1X
said: ‘When someone would
embrace Isla>m, the Prophet
would teach him how
to perform prayer and then order him to supplicate
with the following words:
115 Abu>
Dawu>d added: “When the Bedouin left, the Prophet
said, ‘He has
indeed filled his hands with good’.” 1/220