An audio cassette recording of the supplications
in English and Arabic will be available in the near
future, Alla>h willing.
May Alla>h reward those who have helped in this
endeavour, amongst them: Dr. V. ‘Abdur-Rahi>
and Dr. ‘A<
dil ‘Abdul-Ghaffa>
r, and all those students
from the Islamic University of Madi>
na who
contributed one way or another in both editions of
this translation.
Scholars have varied opinions on the understanding
of some of the supplications. In some of these cases
we have cited an opinion which we consider is the
most accurate, in other cases, when the opinions are
in our view, of equal strength, we have cited one
opinion only.
The word is pronounced with an elongation after
the [ ] i.e.
Blessed and exalted is Alla>h