Translator’s note
Firstly, thanks and acknowledgment ought to be
bestowed upon Brother Riya>
n for his diligent
work in translating the piece before us. By the will
of Alla>h, the draft of his work was lost, which is
when the present translator undertook this noble
Secondly, it should be stated clearly and
emphatically from the onset that this translation in
no way encourages the English speaking Muslim to
take to supplicating and remembering his Lord in
the English tongue as regards the following
supplications, since the subject matter here stems
from the Qur’a>n and the Sunnah. Care should be
taken to adhere to the language in which it was
revealed, i.e. the eloquent tongue of the Arabs.
Instead, what we desire is to present the English
reader with an approximation of the meaning of the
original, in the hope that through doing so, he may
come to an improved state towards worshipping his
Our Lord, if we have been able in these pages to
convey the true sense of the words of Your Prophet
then be patron over us and all those who benefit
from this, and wherever we have failed in this
effort, forgive us and protect the people from our