The Messenger of Alla>h
related that Alla>h
ordered Yah}
yah Ibn Zakariyyah
with five
commandments; to act upon them and convey them
to the children of Isra>’i>l...[the fifth one being]:
“...and I order you to make mention of Alla>h often,
as this is like a man being pursued at speed by the
enemy until he reaches a protected fortress and so
protects himself inside it, likewise is the servant, he
can only protect himself from the shayt}a>n through
remembrance of Alla>h, the Mighty and Majestic.”
[S{ah}i>h} al-Ja>mi‘ no.1724]
This booklet has been translated by
Invitation to Isla>m
www.invitationtoislam.com www.hisnulmuslim.org